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Events from 29 March 2021 till 04 April 2021 (week number : 14)     View month April
(Week starts Monday)
Monday 29 March 2021

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Thursday 01 April 2021
  • April Fools' Day
  • Category : Events

    April Fool is the gullible person who is tricked on April 1, which is a day when it should be allowed to fool each other. The custom is widespread throughout Europe and North America.


  • Maundy Thursday (H)
  • Category : Holidays

    Maundy Thursday (Holiday)

    Maundy Thursday is the Christian celebration of Jesus' last meal with the disciples before the crucifixion, and thus the introduction of the Lord's Supper. The word means "cleansing Thursday", and comes from the Norse skíra, "cleanse" (sker = clean). Maundy Thursday is a public holiday that is celebrated on the last Thursday before Easter. The earliest date for Maundy Thursday is March 19 and the latest is April 22.

    Maundy Thursday

    Friday 02 April 2021
  • DIY day
  • Category : Events

    April 2 we celebrate National DIY Day.

    We spend a lot of money getting other people to do things for us—cut our hair, fix our cars and computers, mow our lawns, bake our cakes…you get the picture. And true, there are things that we would prefer to have experts with knowledge and experience doing for us, like performing surgery or filling out our tax papers.


  • Good Friday (H)
  • Category : Holidays

    Good Friday (Holiday)

    Good Friday marks in Christian tradition the day when Jesus Christ died on the cross, and is marked the Friday before Easter.
    Good Friday comes from the obsolete sense pious, holy of the word good.

    Good Friday

    Saturday 03 April 2021
  • Easter Eve
  • Category : Events

    Easter Eve (Not holiday)

    Easter Eve is the day before Easter. It has traditionally been marked in a quiet way, often with fasting and meditation.

    Easter Eve

    Sunday 04 April 2021
  • Easter (H)
  • Category : Holidays

    Easter (Holiday and sunday)

    On Easter Sunday, often called the first day of Easter, the celebration of Christ's resurrection continues in the morning, and the day traditionally begins an octave, that is, an eight-day period in which all days are considered feast days in line with Sundays.

    Easter is basically a religious holiday that is marked with a number of holidays, religious customs and symbols. In addition, the celebration has received several secular elements and popular expressions. This applies to everything from old traditions such as the use of Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and ye ...

  • The Carrot Day
  • Category : Events

    The International Carrot Day or the Carrot Day is celebrated every year on April 4th and is the pinnacle for carrot lovers all around the world. It is the day when the carrot is celebrated through carrot parties and other carrot related festivities.

    Carrot Day


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