Special events and other funny days

Tuesday 22 October 2024
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Events from 11 November 2024 till 17 November 2024 (week number : 46)     View month November
(Week starts Monday)
Monday 11 November 2024

Tuesday 12 November 2024

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Thursday 14 November 2024

Friday 15 November 2024
  • Equal Pay Day
  • Category : Events

    The equal pay day is marked in Norway on 15 November every year.
    This is a truth with major modifications:
    By the same token, women have not paid taxes since August.
    Women work less, live longer and is retired for several more years.
    Women often choose the public sector, most men work in the private sector.

    The statistics show that women on average receive around 70 percent of the salary men receive, but about half are due to men working more overtime, having other types of jobs and working more part-time.
    At the same time, typical female occupations - as nurses - ear ...

    Saturday 16 November 2024

    Sunday 17 November 2024
  • National Unfriend Day
  • Category : Events

    On November 17, 2010, Jimmy Kimmel went on his nightly talk show to announce that it was National Unfriend Day. In this digital age, we’ve reached a threshold of social connections.

    Does your friend from elementary school who you haven’t spoken to in twenty years really need to be your Facebook friend? Do you really want to see the Instagram posts of that guy you met in line for the bathroom at that party in college? How about even that center for your favorite basketball team that you follow on Twitter who retired three years ago – is it important to see how they’re handling being retired at 35?


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